SSSICK/User Manual/R019


Installing the SSSMCK

Please visit the Installation page for more information!

Controlling the SSSMCK

For most users, it will be as simple and plugging in the input sensor and SSSMCK then driving away. For other users, you may wish to tune the unit for a new sensor, vehicle, or even for performance.

You can read about the operation and control of the SSSMCK on the BUOY page!

LED Display

The SSSMCK has an LED that displays operation and errors, internal error checking that can output specific codes to Buoy for diagnostics, dynamic short-term and long-term corrections, and the ability to tune various parameters.

In all versions UNTIL R019, the LED normally operates in fader mode, where it's color is directly related to airflow rate. It will be green at low flow and fade to blue at higher flow rates. It will illuminate red if an error is detected.

Starting with hardware R019 the LED now only displays the current operating mode of the unit, or illuminates red upon detecting any errors.

The R019 LED looks like this:

R019 LED
LED Color Chart (R019)
LED Color LED Color Meaning
Mck led grn.png Green The unit is operating normally.
Mck led red.png Red There is an active error. Please connect to Buoy to read any available error codes.
Mck led ylw.png Yellow The SSSMCK is waiting on a command from Buoy.
Mck led org.png Orange Power supply issue (over- or under-volting). Please contact us.
Mck led blu.png Blue The unit is starting. This should only be illuminated for a fraction of a second during startup. If this stays illuminated, try resetting the unit.
Mck led prp.png Purple Buoy is reading from the SSSMCK.
Mck led pnk.png Pink Buoy is writing to the SSSMCK.

Gauges and add-ons

We offered a few options on earlier versions, from R006-R0012, but have discontinued gauges from the time-being. If you need assistance with a gauge, please contact us directly.