Revision as of 17:46, 31 May 2023 by Sssquid (talk | contribs) (4 revisions imported)
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There are many changes to Buoy starting with version 0.19. The most obvious is that the entire user interface (UI) has been redesigned. Buoy 0.19 was developed to take advantage of all the latest firmware features on the latest hardware. Mainly, the ability to tune various parameters of the unit, including easy selection of different input and output sensors (MAF, VAM, MAP, TPS, etc).


There is no system-wide installation necessary. This was developed as a drop-and-go program that can be run from anywhere on Windows or Linux machines. All you need to do is extract the contents of the compressed folder to any location, then run the executable. That's it!


Top Bar

There are three buttons in the top-bar. "Tune" "Graph" and "Check for updates". "Tune" opens the tuning window, "Graph" opens the graphing window, and "Check for updates" will check our server for program updates.

The update function will download the compressed folder containing the latest available software to the directory of your choosing. It will not automatically install or replace any files. You will have to extract the compressed folder in order to run the latest software.


You will control the basics of your SSSMCK from here, such as connection and reading error codes.


You will configure your connection and connect to your SSSMCK from here. The drop-down menu displays available devices and ports. Select the port at which your unit is connected, and click "connect" to connect.

Click "disconnect" while connected in order to disconnect.

Click "refresh" to update the drop-down with currently available devices and ports.

Firmware Control

This allows you to check your current firmware version. For hardware R016-R018 it will also allow you to flash different firmware. Hardware R016 cannot be "tuned" through the Tune window, so all of the changes are done though direct firmware control.

Error Codes

The SSSMCK can store running error codes for any number of things, such as our of specification sensors, supply power issues, problems reading or writing from internal memory, and even runs self-tests to verify the true output from the SSSMCK is what it should be.

If your SSSMCK's LED is red (and you have not set it to red through the custom LED color section), then your SSSMCK has a stored error code. Click "Read Codes" to display which codes your unit had stored. Click "Clear Codes" to clear any stored codes.


From this window you will control the finer points of your SSSMCK through tuning.

Read more on the Tuning page!

You can also perform a full reset of your SSSMCK by clicking "Reset". This will return it to default firmware values. Do this if you have made many changes and it just doesn't seem to be going in the right direction, or if you are experiencing any trouble.


From this window you can display, graph, and log airflow and air temp (on HW R020 and newer) values. To start showing and graphing, click "Start Graphing".

To log what is being graphed, click "Start Logging". Logs automatically save to a folder titled "Buoy" that is created in your "Documents" folder. On Windows, it would be under something along the lines of "C:\Users\*username*\Documents\Buoy\". On Linux, they will be saved to something along the lines of "/home/*username*/Documents/Buoy/".

If you want to clear the graph and start with a fresh canvas, click "Clear Graph".

You can change how many seconds of data to display, from 1 second up to a maximum of 360 seconds. In the box next to "Max Display Seconds" you can type how many seconds you wish to display. This works in integers only (1, 2, 3... 359, 360). Click "Apply" to apply the changes.

While graphing, you will see the parameter listed as a button below the other buttons. Click on a button to change the color of the corresponding graphed parameter.