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Flashing is possible when using a USB flashing dongle, which is included by default with older hardware versions. On newer hardware versions, we can flash the unit for you at no cost, or we can also provide a flashing dongle for a minimal fee -- in either case, please contact us to get setup.



You will need four things in order to flash your unit:

Buoy software


Flashing Dongle

For versions up to R019, this is a black box with a green or blue top and mini-USB connection that plugs into the header or socket of your SSSICK.

For versions R020 and newer, this is a cartridge that plugs into where your MAF/MAP/TPS cartridge normally plugs into.

An example of the <= R019 dongle

Firmware file

A firmware file with the filetype extension "ICKF". Please contact us for the latest version!



You can download the windows flashing drivers here: DRIVER DOWNLOAD Simply extract the executable and run, then plug in your SSSICK.


You will need to install two additional libraries. This is done quite easily through aptitude, snap, yum, rpm, etc.

The two packages that you need to install are: "libhidapi-libusb0" and "libftdi1" An example of how to install these would be:

apt install libhidapi-libusb0 libftdi1 -y


Versions up to R019

With the top cover removed, you will need to locate two things: a 3-pin header, and a 6-pin socket.

You must then configure the kit to use power supply from the USB dongle. You can do this by moving the "REG-USB" jumper from the "REG" side to the "USB" side as pictured below:


Here is what the 6-pin header looks like. This is where the logging/flashing module will be plugged.


Plug in your logging/flashing module. It can only be inserted in one direction.

Version R017 and R018
Version R019

Connect the USB cable to your computer. If you are logging, please skip the next step.

Once you finish flashing, please make sure to move this jumper back to the "REG" side before continuing use on your vehicle.

Versions R020 and newer

While we prefer to reflash these ourselves at this point, we can provide a flashing dongle. You no longer need to flash the unit to change tuning options, so we no longer include a dongle with the kit. All tuning can be done over bluetooth.


  • IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are connecting to an older version of the kit, or you are having trouble connecting, you will need to enable "Forced Connection" from the top-left "Settings" drop-down menu.

When you connect with the USB dongle, Buoy will show a new box that allows firmware selection and flashing (see red outlined box):

Flashing 01.png

Click "Browse for FW" and select the appropriate "ICKF" file. You will then be allowed to select "Flash FW"

Flashing 02.png

After clicking "Flash FW" a progress box will appear:

Flashing 03.png

After you finish flashing, a warning dialogue will appear giving you final instructions on how to update the stored settings to match your latest firmware's requirements:

Flashing 04.png